Using Userlist for Multiple Products

Sometimes you'll need Userlist for multiple products at once. In this article, we review two possible approaches to this.

Option 1. Multiple Userlist accounts

As a person, you can participate in multiple Userlist accounts at once. These accounts will be independent and billed separately. To switch between them, click on your name in the top right corner of the screen. The benefit of this setup is maximum clarity, as well as the ability to customize all settings independently, without worrying about segmentation or tags.

If this is your desired option, please follow these steps:

  1. Create your first account in Userlist.
  2. Email with the name for the second account (or multiple accounts) and we'll create it under your existing user. 
  3. After that, you'll be able to switch to the second account and set it up from scratch, similar to your first one.

Option 2. Multiple products inside one account

Sometimes it's more optimal to have users from both products inside a single Userlist account (and billed as a single entity). The best way to approach this would be the following:

  1. Send a custom "product" property for each user via the API.
  2. Create a segment for each product based on that.
  3. Create multiple campaigns for each product, one per each segment.

It's also possible to have a single campaign, and then customize the body of each email using Liquid (e.g. case/when operator). It's not the perfect way though, as it will feel bulky, and it's going to be hard to customize email subject and preview text.

The same Liquid conditions can be used to customize your footer (we can give you a hand with that). You can also get creative with Snippets.

How do I make sure my onboarding campaigns don't overlap?

Sometimes you know for sure that the user can sign up for several of your products at once. How do you make sure their inbox isn't flooded with emails from your company? There is no simple fix, but here are some tips that might be helpful.

  • Inside each product's account, introduce a property that will indicate whether they're using the second product (that's a technical question you need to solve with the engineers).
  • Segment users based on that property.
  • Inside each product, draft two variants of an onboarding campaign, "Detailed Onboarding" and "Brief Onboarding". If the customer is using the second product, then send them the Brief Onboarding campaign. If not, send them the Detailed Onboarding campaign.
  • Optional: in the Detailed Onboarding campaign, add an exit condition that will terminate the campaign if the user starts using the second product.
  • Make sure your "Trial Ending Soon" campaign runs separately based on the trial_ends_at date, so that everyone gets their upcoming payment notification no matter what.
  • Generally be lighter on the number/frequency of your onboarding emails for each product. You can send more advanced information later, and only to those users who actively use certain features.
  • In all campaigns, make sure you filter out irrelevant emails (features already used) to reduce the overall email load.

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