Automated Campaigns: Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find information about edge cases which happen when you change something in your automation or segments.

What if I create a new segment?

Such event will show as “joined a segment” in the user’s timeline. However, it won’t trigger any campaigns, because none will relate to that brand new segment yet.

What if I delete a segment?

Nothing will happen — such event won’t show in the user’s timeline. We also won’t trigger any campaigns based on that (even if these campaigns are set up for “left a segment”). Users from a deleted segment won’t receive any messages from such campaigns.

What if I change conditions for a segment?

Users who now match these new conditions will join that segment, which will trigger any existing campaigns as a result. These users will start receiving messages from such campaigns. Users who no longer match the conditions will leave the segment, and activate corresponding "left a segment" triggers and goals.

What if I rename a segment?

Nothing will change in the campaigns; the segment name will update automatically across the app. Timeline entries will keep the previous name, though.

Will my new campaign send to users who already belong to that segment?

When you create a new campaign based on “joined a segment” event, this campaign will not trigger for users who already belong to that segment.

What if I change a campaign trigger?

If a user has already entered that campaign, they will stay inside and continue (or start) receiving messages as planned — even if the new trigger isn’t true for them any more.

Can there be a delay between the trigger event, and the first email being sent?

You can set a time-based delay on the first message of a campaign. The campaign will be started at the time of the trigger event, but the first message will only be sent after the delay.

What if I reorder messages in an active campaign?

When you reorder messages in a campaign that’s already been running for a while, a list of users queued up for a message is moved — up or down — with the message itself. The system will skip messages that have already been sent to a specific user, so the same message will never be sent to a user twice. That’s because each message has a unique ID, which won’t change even if you shuffle messages around or update the message text.

What if I add a new message at the end of an active campaign?

Everyone who’s still in the campaign will receive your new message in the end, as planned. Users who were done with the last message have already exited the campaign, so they will not receive your new message.

What if I add a new message in the beginning of an active campaign?

Users who have already advanced in the campaign will not receive your new message.

What if a user skips a message based on its conditions?

The condition will be checked after waiting the specified delay. If the user doesn’t match the condition, they will be taken to the next message. The new delay is calculated based on the last sent message, so in most cases the delays will not add up.

How can I filter out bounced users?

You don’t have to worry about that. We maintain a suppression list internally for users that have permanently bounced before.

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