Ask for a Review

Follow up with users who have been getting value from your product, asking them to write a review of your product on Capterra or another popular site.

Subject: Help spread the word?

Hey {{user.first_name | capitalize | default: "there"}},

We’re so, so glad you’ve enjoyed [doing whatever product does] with us! 🙏

Since you’ve been getting value from [Product] so far, I have a quick ask: would you be open to sharing your experience by writing up a short review?

The more positive reviews we receive, the easier it becomes for others to find out about [Product], too! No lengthy paragraphs required (unless that’s your style) — even 1-2 short sentences would mean the world to us.

If you’re interested, you can leave a quick review…

  • On [Review Site #1]
  • On [Review Site #2]

Either way, I’m so grateful to know you’ve been getting value from [Product] — I really mean it when I say we’re glad you’re here.

Please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with directly. Otherwise, have a great day!

Thank you again,


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