SavvyCal Integration

SavvyCal to Userlist integration

Our SavvyCal integration helps you add event attendees to your Userlist database as leads, and nurture them using powerful email automation.

When someone schedules a new event in SavvyCal, this integration passes their email address to Userlist via a webhook. Userlist then looks up users with this address, and creates a custom event for them. You can also choose to create new users, if no such email address is found.

The integration applies to any links that you can see in your SavvyCal account. That includes any links you create, are added as an attendee on, or links that others create under a team that you manage.

Where can I see SavvyCal events in Userlist?

You can find SavvyCal events among other custom events in Userlist, e.g. in filters and campaign triggers. These custom events will also appear in the user's timeline.

How it works

  1. In your Userlist account, head over to Integrations, and enable the SavvyCal integration.
  2. Click "View Settings" to view the integration page.
  3. Click the "Connect SavvyCal" button, and authorize the connection.

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