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Product Updates 🚀

Will you be at Business of Software this year?

We’d love to see you at Business of Software 2018 in Boston because… Our co-founder Claire was invited to speak there, alongside other amazing folks! If you plan on attending, please let us know — so that Claire can tag you in person ?

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Help us read your mind about triggers

Today Jane talks about triggers — events or conditions used by the system to start an automation campaign. How complex are the triggers in your existing lifecycle campaigns? Are there any problems or limitations?

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Tracking via JavaScript snippets

Offering a JavaScript snippet is a popular way to add tracking to web applications. In this update, Benedikt explains the technical complications with such solution, and why we're not planning to implement it (yet).

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What will tracking user behavior look like?

Today it’s Benedikt reporting about the technical aspects of Userlist. One of the questions that almost always comes up is this: ”How does Userlist know what my customers are actually doing inside my application?”

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Are you a raving Markdown fan?

Jane talks about Markdown and the way it splits people into two camps: Markdown fans, and the rest of the world, who aren’t aware of it or simply prefer classic text editors.

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Book your discovery demo

Let's see how Userlist fits into the bigger picture of your SaaS business. You'll learn about our automation features, integrations, proven lifecycle frameworks, and how we can help you hit your SaaS growth targets.