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Introducing our new Zapier integration

We're proud to announce our brand new Zapier integration which helps you connect Userlist with 3,000+ other tools and create powerful workflows.

Jane Portman
Jane Portman

We're proud to announce our brand new Zapier integration! It helps you connect Userlist with 3,000+ other tools and create powerful workflows. These no-code automations are called zaps, and you can set them up in minutes.

Here are a few ideas on what you can do:

  • Send a Slack notification when something happens in Userlist.
  • Create new Userlist users from Typeform responses, Calendly events, or new rows in Google Sheets.
  • Send new webinar registrants from your webinar platform (e.g. Crowdcast or Livestorm) to Userlist.
  • Sync subscribes and unsubscribes between Userlist and other email platforms, e.g. Mailchimp, Drip, ConverKit, Hubspot, etc.
  • Create other workflows between multiple apps.

Ready to take it for a spin? Visit our official Zapier integration page to see what apps are supported.

Want to help us with this launch? Please share this Tweet with your friends 💛

— Regards, Jane & Benedikt.

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About the author
Jane Portman

Jane Portman is the co-founder of Userlist. Her mission is to help SaaS companies leverage the power of email marketing automation. Mom of three, Jane also enjoys scuba diving and runs two podcast shows: UI Breakfast and Better Done Than Perfect.