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It’s Jane on the line today, sharing some latest feature news. Here’s what we added lately: campaign goals, Liquid tags in test emails, filters saved as segments.

Jane Portman
Jane Portman

It’s Jane on the line today, sharing some latest feature news. Here’s what we added lately…

Campaign goals. Campaigns now have goals — conditions that allow the user to exit the campaign prematurely when they do what you want. Let’s say, you have a 5-message campaign promoting a specific feature; and the user starts using it when they’re at message #3. A campaign goal will get the user out of the campaign, and skip the remaining two messages. (You can also skip individual messages by setting conditions on each one.)

Liquid tags in test emails. Liquid tags now have special treatment in test emails. Previously, it was hard to tell if the Liquid part was recognized by the system or not. Now they’re processed and highlighted, which should be helpful. We’re planning to improve on that further down the road, and send test emails based on individual user data which you select.

Filters saved as segments. When you filter the user list, now there’s a way to save these users as a segment right away.

As we’ve been sending out beta invites, more new users are coming on board, which is very exciting and motivating ?

— Regards, Jane.

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Don't wait for the muse. Apply this step-by-step method to write high-performing email campaigns in hours, not weeks.

About the author
Jane Portman

Jane Portman is the co-founder of Userlist. Her mission is to help SaaS companies leverage the power of email marketing automation. Mom of three, Jane also enjoys scuba diving and runs two podcast shows: UI Breakfast and Better Done Than Perfect.