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Email Marketing Automation for Product-led Growth

Finally, an email marketing platform built specifically for SaaS. Track customer data as complex as you need. Onboard, engage, and nurture customers and marketing leads — under one roof.

Trusted by founders around the world

Automate your product-led growth

Implement self-serve user onboarding

Onboard your users with automated behavior-based campaigns. Activate free users and upsell them to paid plans.

Send lifecycle communications

Send lifecycle email and in-app messages based on user behavior. Promote upgrades, collect feedback, ask for testimonials or referrals.

Send marketing email

Build your marketing email list using forms and lead nurture campaigns. Use broadcasts for newsletters and announcements.

Build visual workflows

Create complex visual workflows that reflect customer journeys for different roles and scenarios.

Segment your customers

Segment both users and companies dynamically based on their behavior data.

Leverage multiple channels

Mix-and-match emails, in-app messages, and integration channels to achieve your marketing goals.

Run A/B/C tests

With the split test feature, randomly distribute users into 2-5 different paths to test your hypotheses.

Set conversion goals

Assign a conversion tracking period and see if the user has reached their goal within that window. Coming soon

Measure performance

For each message, get a detailed report for a specific time period that includes open, click, and unsubscribe rates.

Send broadcasts

Send newsletters or product updates to your audience. Send targeted broadcasts to invite a segment of users for beta testing or customer research.

Build your list with forms

Build your marketing email list using signup forms. Use forms for your waiting list, lead magnets, or content upgrades.

Offer subscription preferences

Instead of a single unsubscribe link, offer your subscribers layered subscription preferences with topics.

Implement company-level automation

Manage company accounts with many-to-many relationships. Email users based on what's happening in the company.

Send notifications to your team

Notify your team as part of your automation journeys. Let them know about promising trials or churn risk.

Connect with your tools

Use our integrations and webhooks to trigger actions in your sales CRM or help desk software.

Brian Lovin, founder of Campsite

"Yesterday I switched from Intercom to Userlist for customer comms, onboarding automations, and broadcast emails. Night. And. Day. Every startup/SaaS should switch to Userlist."

Brian Lovin, founder of Campsite

A team of email professionals on your side 💛

Data audit & roadmapping

We'll audit and optimize your data tracking schema and segmentation, so that you track exactly the right things.

Lifecycle frameworks

We'll take your lifecycle marketing to the next level using a model that's tailored to your customer journey.

High-volume optimization

As you grow your user base, we'll make sure everything runs smooth, and you keep getting good ROI for every user in the database.

Create powerful product-led experiences
Create powerful product-led experiences

Orchestrate customer journeys for multiple roles and scenarios using visual workflows

Use advanced logic controllers like Wait Until, Repeat Until, Production Rule, and Teleport

Test, measure, report, iterate, succeed
Test, measure, report, iterate, succeed

Run A/B split tests with up to 5 paths

Test entire journeys, not just individual messages

Measure performance using conversion goals

Create beautiful emails, quickly
Create beautiful emails, quickly

Insert new elements as easy as you type with the dynamic composer

Use Markdown shortcuts and reusable snippets

Add images, buttons, blockquotes, and headlines

Style your message by applying a theme of your choice

Leverage complex customer data in your marketing
Leverage complex customer data in your marketing

Use your own custom data model for users and companies

Leverage n:m relationships and roles — for the most complex SaaS businesses

Listen to our happy customers

These SaaS companies are scaling their growth and marketing with Userlist. You could be doing that, too.

"We cut our churn by 25% in three months, which has a big impact on our growth. We did that through a couple messages in Userlist."

Aaron Kassover
Aaron Kassover

"Take my money! Userlist is a game-changer. Almost too easy. The integration was like, write these two lines of code, and then you have this beautiful tool."

Daniel Nalesnik
Daniel Nalesnik
Hack Chinese

"100% recommend Userlist. It's the only tool with the account-user relationship done right. Also, great customer service by very technical people."

Michael Koper
Michael Koper

"I'm telling everyone about Userlist, still excited about the tool. It's the best spot for me to see what happened. It's literally my user list."

Peter Suhm
Peter Suhm

"Our previous solution just didn't feel right. In-app messages, especially in-app broadcasts, are the absolute sweet spot for us."

Alice Coleman
Alice Coleman
focus booster

"Feels like you built this tool exactly for me. It's like using cheat codes for better user onboarding. I banged out three campaigns in about two hours!"

Christian Genco
Christian Genco

"It's time for the landscape to shift. Moving from Intercom to Userlist has freed up a lot of pressure on the costs side of things."

Baird Hall
Baird Hall

"The tool is fantastic. The templates are so well thought-out. It literally saved me days compared to creating the emails from scratch."

Aggelos Mouzakitis
Aggelos Mouzakitis
Product-led Academy

"Yesterday I switched from Intercom to Userlist. Night. And. Day. Every startup/SaaS should switch to Userlist."

Brian Lovin
Brian Lovin

"This is exactly how workflow builders should work. Excited to see where the team takes this. Excited to use this for our own email marketing."

Brennan Dunn
Brennan Dunn

"Userlist is data-driven. It's so much better than tag-based automation. Really enjoy the simplicity and attention to detail in the product."

Andy Hawkes
Andy Hawkes

"No other email automation tool supports companies so well. Now I can record a company-level event once, and start a campaign for all users from that company."

Michael Thomsen
Michael Thomsen
Agile Extensions

Need account-level? You have it.

Track many-to-many relationships

Our data model reflects the complexity of your SaaS business. Userlist supports properties for users, companies, and relationships.

Leverage account-level segmentation

Segment companies, not just individual users. Understand your accounts and how they move through their lifecycle.

Trigger account-level campaigns

Trigger workflows based on what happens on the company level, and then decide what team members receive the message (based on their role or use case).

Direct API integration

Use our simple HTTP API to push data as JSON. Track user behavior by sending user properties and events. View the integration guide

Instant integration via Segment

Using Segment for your product? The same company groups will be reflected in your Userlist account. Zero development time required.

Use our ready-to-go libraries

We offer libraries for popular frameworks and languages: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and PHP.

Learn from the leaders

Userlist blog is an industry-leading publication. We dig deep into SaaS email marketing, so that you can achieve tangible results.

View all articles
Ruben Gamez, founder of SignWell

"Userlist has quickly become one of my must-have tools. It's so well designed and focused on SaaS, unlike other bloated products I've used before."

Ruben Gamez, founder of SignWell

Book your demo call

Let's see how Userlist fits into the bigger picture of your SaaS business. You'll learn about our automation features, integrations, proven lifecycle fameworks, and how we can help you confidently hit your growth goals.